My beginnings
In the 80s, together with my family, I began to transform the Kur Hotel Kurhaus Donau, now known as BollAnts SPA im Park, into a renowned and recognized medical spa and wellness hotel.
Through my training as a medical assistant in the in-house, holistically oriented medical practice and my subsequent trainingTraining to become a physiotherapist I laid the foundation for my role as head of the massage department.
My development
In the following years I continued my ongoing training in various areasholistic and classic forms of therapy at home and abroad to be able to offer our guests authentic treatments.
Over time, I managed to expand the spa area, which initially consisted of only 2 masseurs and 2 massage cabins, into a wellness retreat that is in demand beyond the country's borders.
Today the 50-strong spa team has 23 therapy rooms at its disposal in order to be able to offer guests a wide and individual offering.

my goal
Over the years, it has been very important to me to be there not only for the hotel guests, but also for my SPA team and to actively live out my motto “Health must be lived”.
In all my professional activities I have always worked with heart and passion, and the topic of SPA has accompanied me throughout my life.
I wanted this connection to my heart expressed in the name of my company SPAHERZ.
While there are already many excellent colleagues in the field of spa consulting, I consider myself primarily a practitioner.
My decision to concentrate on actively working in the hotel directly with guests and with the spa therapists instead of specializing in spa consulting is definitely a unique offer.
Not only does it enable direct interaction and support for the hotel and its guests, but it also creates a win-win situation for everyone involved. My hands-on approach can provide valuable results and insights for the entire team and increase the quality of services.
My honors and achievements
Under my leadership as SPA Manager at the BollAnts Spa in the Park, there were a number of awards such as: In 2002 it was awarded the rating “very good” as the first wellness hotel in Germany (German Wellness Association) or the Wellness Aphrodite for the overall concept (2016).
I had the honor of being the first SPA Personality to be chosen by the trade magazine Top Hotel (2012) andIn 2014 I was chosen SPA Manager of the Year (German Wellness Association).
My passion for the topics of wellness and SPA runs like a common thread through my life. I have often been a pioneer and trailblazer in the industry, for example for vinotherapy and my own signature massages, in which I combine different massage styles in new ways that have already been combined with the European Health Award Germany for thebest signature treatment were awarded.

My work? Excellent!